Tag Archives: globalbeautycare

GlobalBeautyCare Retinol & Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer Review

GlobalBeautyCare Retinol & Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer Review

Hello!! On June 7th, I am turning the dirty thirty. I definitely don’t feel my age, but I was born in 1994 so you can’t argue with that. I take that back – sometimes I feel my age. I feel like I’m at the point where I injure myself from sleeping weird and have to grunt every time I hoist myself up from the couch! One other thing that I clocked, which is perhaps the worst of all, is the start of some fine lines on my face. We are our own worst critic so what is a glaring issue to me is more than likely unnoticeable to most. That doesn’t mean that I don’t want to fix it, though! Which brings us to this moisturizer review:


Normally when I shop skin care at TJMaxx, I go for anything with Vitamin C or hyaluronic acid. They have both been staples in my beauty routine for years and really agree with my skin. However, the needs of your skin change and I began experimenting with products that have retinol in recent skin care hauls. I can’t say that I was overly impressed with any of the moisturizers I sampled and was okay with that. The world of retinol is a totally new ballgame for me. Then, the retinol and hyaluronic acid moisturizer by GlobalBeautyCare scored a home run in the clutch.

My past experiences with retinol moisturizers was either underwhelming or far too potent for what my skin needed. The GlobalBeautyCare moisturizer was the true definition of “just right”. I used this product twice daily for a month and never felt any discomfort. It felt like using a regular old moisturizer. This wasn’t just a regular old moisturizer, though! I can, without a doubt, say that I noticed visible results from using it. Results so good that I consider this moisturizer to be Botox in a jar. The area that I was particularly concerned about was the fine lines around my mouth. By the time the jar was empty, I could tell that my skin looked plumper and the lines seemed to smooth themselves out. I was amazed by this because it’s not every day that you find a product that is that effective. I was so sad when I finished this moisturizer and am keeping my fingers crossed that I can find it at TJs again!

12/10 highly recommend the retinol and hyaluronic acid moisturizer by GlobalBeautyCare – especially if you are in my age range. This is a perfect introduction to retinol products and your skin will thank you!

How old are you turning this year? Do you feel your age? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah