Tag Archives: candle corner

Candle Corner

Candle Corner

Hello!! I have had a banner birthday month and have been enjoying all of the spoils from my big day. In fact, this past weekend I went on an online shopathon with the gift cards that I received and that was a blast. There is nothing better than some guilt free hauls… But, then again, when have I ever suffered from buyer’s remorse after any purchases?! Lol, the answer is never! Another thing I did this weekend was set up my Candle Corner with gifts from my two besties. While I love candles, I never buy them for myself so they are always the perfect gift. It was so nice to cozy up on the couch with Degrassi and these fabulously spooky flames:


My darling Gemini Twin, Kate of Live In The Nautical, and my BFF since freshman year of high school, Lea, always know exactly what to get for yours truly. Among other amazingly thoughtful gifts, Lea got me my middle finger candle and Kate gifted me with the skull and You A Spooky Bitch candles from a Halloween gift set. Needless to say, I am obsessed! Candles are great, yes, but they are even better when they are themed around my happiest time of the year. And, of course, they match beautifully with mine and Johnny’s Halloween all year round home decor. 😀

Like I said, I never go out of my way to buy candles for myself. That extra cash goes right into my shoe fund lol. However, I think I can dip into that fund for a few candles after this past weekend because I am going to be sad when my gifts burn out! I had a super lazy weekend and it was so soothing to just be able to veg out with my flickering flames around me. It is a rarity for me to even have candles to burn and it felt like such a luxury. I liked it very much and it set the ideal atmosphere to snuggle up with my favorite teen drama and chill after a long work week. Restocking my candle corner soon appears to be a resounding absolute must!

A middle finger, a skull, and a spooky bitch candle – who could ask for anything more?! I loved being able to use my birthday prezzies this weekend and my candles took the cake!

Where is your favorite place to buy candles? What is your favorite scent for candles? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah