Tag Archives: box time

Chewy Boxes: A Bunny’s Favorite Toy

Chewy Boxes: A Bunny’s Favorite Toy

Hello!! My bunnies, Melvin and Penelope, are my precious angels. Things have been very glum in Lil Red’s world for a long time and Mel and Pen have brought so much joy into my life. Johnny and I truly couldn’t have picked a better time to welcome these two little balls of fluff into our home and I miss them constantly when I’m out! We are very proud bunny parents and as a pet mom, it is my job to spoil them rotten and Mel and P definitely aren’t complaining about it. 😀

Two bunnies means lots of everything! We have to restock our supplies on Chewy fairly often for bedding, pellet food, hay, and their cage cleaner. And, with every order, I can’t resist buying them lots of toys. However, it’s the Chewy boxes that are always the biggest hit:


Melvin is my tiny wanderer and has a very playful disposition. Pen, on the other hand, is much more chill but has come out of her shell a lot since adopting them in November. They both enjoy playing with the toys in their hutch well enough, but their true play time comes when we give them free rein of their bunny proofed area. Johnny and I have them out several times a day for hours on end and it is such fun to see them zipping around and getting into adorable mischief. And, of course, having lots of box time!

When Johnny and I were preparing for the arrival of our pets, the Chewy boxes were arriving non-freaking-stop. We had grand dreams of building a cardboard castle for them, which I still hope will come into fruition in the future. However, the bunnies have been doing a pretty good job of making their own hideout all by themselves. For the past month or so, Mel and P have been working diligently at creating a tunnel in one of the Chewy boxes to dash in and out of. The work has been slow going because I limit their time playing with the cardboard so it doesn’t hurt their bellies. And, this past week, they finally achieved success!

I take the bunnies out every morning when I’m working and it was hysterical to watch their little faces poke out of the tunnel they were making. I would look down and there would be a sweet bunny face looking back at me from the cubby hole; It was the cutest! Mel and P worked so hard to create another access point into their box and I am honestly so proud of them lol. It is also the perfect spot to play bunny peek-a-boo at, which is one of their favorite games. Like I said, SO f’ing cute!

Toys from Chewy are great, but the boxes are second to none when it comes to Mel and P’s entertainment. Lucky for them, I just placed a big order on Chewy so another box will be at their disposal soon. I can’t wait to see what they do with it!

What is your pet’s favorite toy? Where do you get your pet supplies from? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah