Sweet Surprises: Lovely Ladybugs Edition

Sweet Surprises: Lovely Ladybugs Edition

Hey darlings!! Tuesday was a banner day for your girl because I got Santa Mail from my sweet Kate of Live In The Nautical AND from the beautiful Carlie of Bombshell. These lovely ladies have been my blogging besties since lifewithlilred started all the way back in 2014. In this almost decade tenure of being in the blogosphere, I have had the joy of collaborating and becoming friends with Carlie and she is nothing short of a delight. She is cool, crafty, and the spooky match to my spooky soul. Carlie gifted me with the most adorable pair of earrings that I have ever seen and I just had to share them with all of you:


When I saw my package from Carlie, the vampire goddess herself, I tore it open like a rabid animal. In the packing envelope, I found a little red box and that was already perfect in and of itself. As my blog tagline goes, Life is better in red, and that applies to jewelry boxes too! After smiling to myself about Carlie’s perfect gift box choice, I opened the lid and was delighted with my findings. These delicate gold ladybug earrings are so precious and they warmed my little heart. I absolutely love ladybugs and I love them even more when they are gold and have pink rhinestones! 😀

Being a blogger is awesome because writing is my passion. What makes it the awesomest, however, is all of the wonderful people I have been able to connect with through lifewithlilred. Carlie lives in California and I would have never met her otherwise. Through my page, we became fast friends via text and FaceTime and meeting her was like meeting my blogging big sis. Every day, I am SO thankful to the blogosphere for bringing such amazing friends like Carlie and Kate into my life. And, of course, all of you too. ❤ ❤ ❤

My girl Carlie is an absolute queen and you can keep up to date with all of her fabulousness by giving her a follow on Instagram: @carliemichelle66 . Thank you for my earrings, doll – love you!!! ❤

Have you met any friends through blogging? What is something cool that your blog has done for you? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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