About Our Bunnies

About Our Bunnies

Hello!!! On November first, it will be one whole year since Johnny and I welcomed our sweet bunnies, Melvin and Penelope, home. We adopted Mel and P from a friend who adopted Penelope from some type of fair I think? Little did she know, Penelope was pregnant and had eight (Yes, eight!) babies. When Johnny and I decided that we were committed to adopting bunnies, I scoured humane societies and posted on Facebook for any leads. My post was answered by the new bunny parent of nine and we took our babies home two weeks later!

Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 06-18-39 Sarah Mushenheim (@lifewithlilred94) • Instagram photos and videosScreenshot 2023-09-21 at 06-19-13 Sarah Mushenheim (@lifewithlilred94) • Instagram photos and videosScreenshot 2023-09-21 at 06-18-59 Sarah Mushenheim (@lifewithlilred94) • Instagram photos and videos

It was and still is so exciting to have pets in our apartment. Melvin and Penelope are our little buddies and we are just as obsessed with them now as the day we brought them home. It is such a blast to watch our two gremlins romp around our bunny proofed area, play with their beloved Chewy boxes, and get into mischief. Mel and P’s favorite activities include snack time, chewing literally everything, and getting all of the cuddles from their mom and dad. Although, cuddling definitely wasn’t on their agenda when we first got them… It took a while for them to get warmed up to being held, but now they are always on the couch with us when we watch TV! 🙂

Our almost first year of being bunny parents felt like a lot of trial and error. It took both Mel and P a while to get about 95% litter trained, for starters. The first few months involved a lot of cleaning up accidents and rearranging their litter boxes to find a solution that worked. We had to figure out the best ways to clean their hutch, the best places to shop for their leafy greens, as well as finding supplies that they liked and getting them acclimated to our touch. This process took a while, but we never gave up and it feels like we have had them for so much longer than a year.

Melvin and Penelope are completely different bunnies from when we first brought them home. Pen was SO shy and was not interested in exploring her new digs whatsoever. Melvin, on the other hand, was quite skittish and would rather run away than be near us. Now that they know who mom and dad are and are so used to us, we finally see their real personalities. Pen is sweet as can be and loves to be held – the way to her heart was lots of yummy treats! Mel is our little adventurer and tolerates being held for a while, then he scampers off to play, play, play. He loves toys and thinks it’s hilarious to dump his food dish all over the hutch as soon as I refill it! Their personalities compliment each other so well and I am thrilled that they are comfortable enough with us to show it off. ❤

Since Johnny and I did not have a birthaversary bash this year, we are hoping to combine it into a party for Mel and Pen’s Gotcha Day. Our bunny babies are so loved and in my perfect world, we would have an apartment full of them!

What is your pet’s personality like? When it your pet’s Gotcha Day? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


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