Face Mask Festivities: Julep Triple Quench Sheet Mask Edition

Face Mask Festivities: Julep Triple Quench Sheet Mask Edition

Hi everyone and welcome to a new edition of Face Mask Festivities! During my last little TJMaxx haul, I ordered an intriguing looking mask by Julep that was not only a sheet mask but also offered a pre and post treatment. I have never used a mask that had multiple treatments in one package so I figured it had to be good. I figured wrong, though, because this mask was definitely nothing to sneeze at. Lol, take a look at some pics and let’s discuss:


  • Pic 3: Pre-treatment gel
  • Pic 4: Lol, you know I love sheet mask pictures!
  • Pic 5: Post-treatment cream

Step one of this Julep mask was to apply a pre-treatment gel for maximum absorption before putting on the sheet mask. The “gel” didn’t have the traditional, sticky texture which was nice and it was easy to put on.

Next, it was time for the sheet mask. I love sheet masks but, sadly, I don’t think they love me because they’re all too damn big! Lol, this sheet mask was huge and it was not the most comfortable to have on for a full fifteen minutes. Despite it slipping and sliding, I powered through by distracting myself with an episode of Trailer Park Boys with Johnny.

Before I knew it, the sheet mask was ready to come off and the post treatment cream came on to help seal in all of the nutrients and hydration. I can’t say that I was impressed with the results once I completed all three steps. My skin didn’t feel super hydrated, either. In fact, it actually felt rather tight and my cheeks were a rosy pink for the entire evening.

I thought that I might see a better outcome the following morning once all of the treatments could soak in but that wasn’t the case. My skin felt a bit softer, yes. However, I feel like I get those results just from my normal nighttime skin care routine of a serum, eye cream, and moisturizer. This is also a three step process but at least I know it to be effective.

I can’t say that I would recommend this mask because it really didn’t do much. I thought that the three step process the Julep sheet mask offered was an inspired idea but the results left a lot to be desired. I haven’t had a lot of luck with sheet masks recently and I’m thinking it might be time to go back to the traditional clay masks, which I think work a little bit better. We’ll see what happens!

Do you recommend any great sheet or clay masks? Have you used any products that were a dud lately? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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  1. Pingback: Face Mask Festivities: The Body Shop’s Japanese Matcha Tea Pollution Clearing Mask Edition | lifewithlilred

  2. Pingback: Face Mask Festivities: Yes To Tomatoes Anti-Pollution Bubbling Sheet Mask Edition | lifewithlilred

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