Face Mask Festivities: Youth To The People Hydrate & Glow Dream Mask Edition

Face Mask Festivities: Youth To The People Hydrate & Glow Dream Mask Edition

Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new edition of Face Mask Festivities! Today we will be discussing the Superberry Hydrate & Glow Dream Mask from Youth To The People. This mask was compliments of my free birthday gift from Sephora and I was excited to try it out. While I love all kinds of face masks, I am quite partial to sleep masks because you just have to put it on and forget about it. Although it doesn’t give you the full experience of relaxing while your mask sits, it’s always nice to think that you are being pampered even as you catch some Zs! Without further ado, let’s get to this review:


My first impressions of the Superberry Dream Mix was not really what I expected lol. I was surprised when I opened the package and saw the banana colored product! It also smelled exactly like bananas, which is great if you love the smell of bananas. Unfortunately, I don’t so this wasn’t ideal but thankfully the scent wasn’t too strong. The texture of this mask was really thick, which is also something that I didn’t care much for – especially in the summer heat. The Superberry mask took a considerable amount of time to absorb and it still hadn’t completely sunk in after an hour and a half. At that point, I was falling asleep so I can’t say for certain the full length of time for absorption, but I definitely prefer something more fast acting.

The Superberry Dream Mask features my favorite ingredients for skin care – Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid as well as other antioxidants to hydrate and brighten. After waking up, I did feel like my skin was softer and I also thought it didn’t look as tired considering I was up at three in the morning. Having said that, this mask costs fifty-two dollars for a full size jar and that is something that I can’t justify. Had this mask been an absolute miracle worker, I might reconsider. However, I have had similar results from other cheaper products so this will be the first and only time I use the Youth To The People mask.

It’s hard to gauge a product after just one use, but I am fine with not using it again. I will say that this mask would probably be really nice in the wintertime as opposed to the summer and could be worth a shot if you want to shell out for it!

What is your favorite face mask? What is your nighttime skin care routine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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