Face Mask Festivities: Clarifying Oatmeal Sheet Mask By GlamUp Edition

Face Mask Festivities: Clarifying Oatmeal Sheet Mask By GlamUp Edition

Howdy! Ninety-nine percent of the people I know absolutely despite Mondays and, honestly, I can’t relate. Mondays are actually one of my favorite days of the week when it comes to work! I have an early morning transport client, then I either head to the office of my online boss to work with him or do a video chat to get our weekly projects going. From there, the rest of the day is spent online and it is such a welcome change of pace from the Monday shift that I did have smack dab in the middle of the day.

This Monday, I was able to go home instead of going to the office and was able to get my work done quickly. So quickly, in fact, that I was done a whole two hours before Johnny was due to be home from his job. With this time, I tackled some cleaning projects and still had about an hour to kill. I thought to myself that it would be nice to use a face mask and watch some TV (My 600 Lb. Life, obvi) and that is exactly what I did:


^^^ Lol I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me first start off by saying, I hate sheet masks. I really do. I think they are so wildly inconvenient and I much prefer a classic clay mask. However, I got these GlamUp masks from someone or another who didn’t want them so I might as well use them! I went with the Clarifying Oatmeal mask and didn’t plan on it doing much of anything. This is not my first GlamUp rodeo and I have yet to be impressed with one. Although, I will admit, I was slightly impressed with my choice this time around. Hey, that’s something right?!

As always, the experience of wearing the sheet mask in itself was abysmal. Also as always, it was huge on me and the twenty minutes I had it on for were spent constantly adjusting it to keep from falling off. Clay masks relax me, sheet masks infuriate me and I could not wait to take this thing off! Once the twenty minutes were blessedly done, I was surprised by how soft my skin felt. I am writing this post way after the fact and I still feel like my skin is benefiting from it. Am I blown away by this mask? I wouldn’t go that far, but it was nice to use a GlamUp mask that actually did something lol. 😀

I am going to rate this mask with a five out of ten stars. It got an F- for experience for sure, but a solid B- for results. Not the best, certainly not the complete worst!

What kind of mask do you prefer? What is your favorite day of the week? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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