Watercolor Pansies

Watercolor Pansies

Hello!! My mom and I really enjoy watercolor painting and it is such a fun and different medium of art to work with. With all of the craziness going on in both of our lives, we haven’t been able to paint as often as we would like. In fact, the last time we painted together was back in March! During that painting session, I tried my hand at pansies and was pretty pleased with the outcome as I had never tried it before.

This past week, we finally got to paint together and I decided to pick up where I left off with pansies. I wasn’t as happy as I was with the ones you’re about to see as the previous effort. However, I hadn’t painted in months and we all have to start (again) somewhere! Check out the image I was trying to pull from and my attempts:


After sketching out a basic outline for each flower, I began painting the top right pansy. Obviously, it was a bit of a bust and my mistake was being impatient AF. I gave no time for literally anything to sit and the blob flower became a muddled mess. I was feeling frustrated because my previous pansies were not the best but certainly not the worst and this one just sucked lol. So, I had to regroup, take a breath, and remember that patience is a virtue in life and especially with watercolor!

For the following flowers, I tried really hard to take my time and use the paints and water to my advantage. I also channeled the advice from a previous watercolor teacher to use areas of no paint within what you are working on too. The next flower I attempted was the one in the bottom left and I still wasn’t feeling it, but it was getting closer. Then, I had a brain blast and remembered how I did my original pansies!

The first time I painted pansies, I did a rough outline and then started in the middle. I began with the yellow center and line detailing and waited for it to dry. Then, I applied a light wash of paint, blotted it, and moved onto the next color. I used my original method for the middle right pansy and was much happier with how it turned out. There was even some areas of white to accent the red and orange too. That was much more like it and I ended my painting session feeling satisfied with the top left, two middle, and bottom right pansies.

I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t slightly disappointed with how my pansies turned out. But, I reminded myself that it was a great first go after an over three month long hiatus. After I shook away the blahs, I felt motivated to paint more so I never have to restart my progress again. I can’t wait for my next painting session with my mom!

What helps motivate you after a disappointment? Have you tried any new artistic ventures recently? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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