Hanging In There?

Hanging In There?

Hi! I just wanted to do a check in to see how everyone is doing because I think we are all getting to the stir crazy point of our stay at home orders. Things are difficult right now and I want to remind all of you that it is okay to be upset! We have all literally never dealt with anything like this before and there is no right or wrong way to feel so hang in there, as our inspirational kitten meme says.

When all of this started, I thought that I would be fine if I just didn’t let myself get frustrated. This was a huge mistake and, as we learned from my mental breakdown when my nails weren’t successful, just the smallest straw can break the camel’s back when you are bottling everything inside. So let it out!

Blogging has been a huge help to me during this crazy time and I really view it as my online journal right now, especially when I can’t frequent TJMaxx and show you all what’s good! Find your medium that helps you express yourself and dive in. Write in your diary, paint a picture, or whip up a delicious dessert. Immerse yourself in something that makes you feel good and watch your mood improve vastly.

Still looking for a project? As always, I invite all of you to guest blog on my page and you can email me at: sarah.mush6794@gmail.com if you would like to be featured as lifewithlilred’s once daily post. You can also friend me on Facebook at: Sarah Mushenheim for all of the best memes and the random thoughts that don’t make it to my blog. See you there!

What has been your go to hobby in self-isolation? What is something that makes you feel better? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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