Happy 25th Birthday To Me!

Happy 25th Birthday To Me!

Hello everyone and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! Today, I turn the ripe old age of twenty-five and can you say hello midlife crisis?! Lol, nah, crisis mode won’t kick in until twenty-six so I have one more year of turning up to do. In all seriousness, it is an exciting time to be a Lil Red. I got my first apartment less than two months ago, my businesses are booming, and lifewithlilred will have been a thing for FIVE YEARS come September. Wow!

Although twenty-four had a lot of moments that were about a bitch from two of the dumbest relationships that I’ve ever been in to a month and a half of misery from a surgery gone wrong, it ended strong. And, for that, I am definitely grateful. I am looking forward to what twenty-five has in store for me but, I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t wishing that time would slow down just a little bit! We all know that that isn’t going to happen, though, so here’s to enjoying another year here on planet Earth. 😀

Happy Birthday To Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ❤

25 responses »

  1. Happy birthday. Sorry to hear that surgery went badly. Wishing you a lovely year ahead, continued success with your business and a wonderful relationship.


  2. Happy Birthday! Reflecting on where you’ve been as a way to see all the positive gratefulness you have is an inspiration!


  3. Pingback: June 2019 Finishes | lifewithlilred

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