Feel Useful With These Career Choices

Feel Useful With These Career Choices

If you ask workers across the world what they want from their job, there are a few things that crop up pretty routinely. One that you hear a lot is that people generally want to feel that what they are doing is useful. People want their work to matter, to make a difference to something, and when this is not fulfilled it can quickly lead to some unhappy people stuck in satisfying jobs. If you know this feeling, and you are looking for some kind of a change, you are clearly not alone. But it’s hard to know where to begin, and the prospect of changing jobs can be remarkably stressful even at the best of times. Primary amongst your concerns is probably the question of what job you are actually going to go for. How about one of the following?


While this is not the kind of work that you can slip into from another field, it is worth mentioning here as it is known as being one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. Doctors come in all forms, of course, and there is a world of difference between a surgeon and a GP. But, whatever area you get into, you can be sure that being a doctor enables you to feel like you are doing something very useful. If you are in a position to start doing the relevant training and education, and you want to make sure you spend your life helping others, then this is one of the best options you are going to have open to you.


Nurses might be paid considerably less than doctors, but their job satisfaction rates are frequently very high, and for that reason it is a job worth considering if you want to feel that you are doing something worthwhile with your time. That being said, they are paid fairly well, but you will also be expected to work some long hours – and it is known as being one of the most stressful jobs that are out there. If you feel that you have the resolve for it and the patience to see it through, then it’s well worth thinking about as a potential career choice for someone who really cares about others.


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A therapist or counselor can get into their position with much less training than you might assume. You don’t need any medical expertise and you don’t need to have an undergraduate degree to do it. Instead, all you need is the time to partake in a short course – sometimes even as short as one year, although the better ones are longer than this, up to three years or so. More than any training, you need a particular skill set: the ability to listen, empathize, appreciate possible solutions for individual problems, and to exercise a great deal of both patience and reserve. Being a therapist is hard work, and you will have to be skilled at not taking on board the problems of others – otherwise you might not survive such a job emotionally.


Another powerful way to help people lead more fulfilling lives is to become a teacher. The best teachers are those who are able not just to teach their students, but to encourage them to live in a way which is wise, compassionate, and eager to learn more every day. You will need to undertake some training and it is best if you also have a degree in something relevant but, most of all, you will need the passion to teach children in a way which might bring about a better world. Whether you are thinking about getting into something subject-specific which you have a talent for or just some cross-curricular teaching, this is going to be a great job for feeling useful.

An exciting part about being a teacher is that there is always more to learn for you and your students. There are countless resources available like The Teaching Couple to assist in finding innovative ideas for your classroom. You will surely be the favorite teacher at the school!


Who was your favorite teacher?

Charity Worker:

People are often a little unsure about working for charities. Clearly, the charity system is far from perfect, and that is a shame because there are plenty of organizations doing some great work out there, regardless. If you want to get into charity work, the most important concern will be to make sure that you thoroughly research the companies you are considering working for. You don’t want to put all of your kind efforts into a business which is not actually doing much, or – worse – which is entirely corrupt. That being said, most charities do some good work, and if you want to take on a job which doesn’t require much in the way of qualifications, then you should make sure that you are considering this.


Being an architect is truly fascinating. Not only do you get to design buildings however you like, but you will usually be able to travel the world in the process, and that is certainly a nice thing to have as a perk for your job. Of course, to be an architect requires a lot of education and training, and you should be prepared for that if you want to follow this particular line of work. But, as such, there is no reason you should not be able to make it work, and you will also find that it is quite rewarding as a kind of work to get into.


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Climate Scientist:

There has never been a better or more pressing time to get into the science of climate change. The world is burning up as we speak, and globally we are far behind on our goals of reducing the temperature of the planet. It might not sound drastic for the planet to heat up by one or two degrees over a hundred years, but it is. If you would like to do something about this, then becoming a climate scientist could be the way to go. You will get to research the effects and causes, and you might even be the person who comes up with a strong solution.


Most of us have mixed feelings about politicians, but the truth is that you can easily get into politics in a positive and engaging way. In fact, most politicians are genuinely just trying to make the world a better place when they start out, although there is a great deal of corruption and so on which ends up taking place. But if you want to make a difference to the world from the top-down, then you might want to think about getting into politics. It can be a noble and true profession, and at its best you will find it enormously satisfying and rewarding, as you go about changing things for the better.


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There are so many different worlds you can get into if you are hoping to lead a life which is truly useful in some way or another. Any of the jobs mentioned above would be a great way to make yourself feel valued and to feel as though you are doing something rewarding and worthwhile.

Featured Image By: Pexels

4 responses »

  1. I think fulfillment is so important, however when you’re dealing with a position such as a provider in healthcare (MD, NP, PA, therapist etc) that requires taking care of the wellbeing of others, it is incredibly important to note that that the people entering these fields also need to be compassionate towards others and have a true desire to help people. otherwise, you burn out or become frustrated and the last thing you want to do is lose sight of what really matters. like you said, a doctor isn’t a career you just fall into and I totally agree, but it’s a wonderful and fulfilling career path to pursue if your heart is in it for the right reasons🙂

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