Are You TBD About CBD Oil?

Are You TBD About CBD Oil?

They say that you can’t judge a book by its cover… Nor can you judge a human being on their appearance, their reputation, or the first impression that they make on you. Not only is it unfair on the individual in question, but it precludes you from the myriad of pleasures that come with getting to know a person for who they are. So it is in the world of medicine, particularly holistic medicine. There are many people out there who are quick to judge the efficacy or the entire concept of holistic medicine regardless of the benefits that they may personally reap from it. Despite various civilizations using them for centuries, there are some plant based medicines that many of us are unsure of due to their unfortunate reputations.

When you read the word cannabis, a few unsavory images might pop into your head. You might picture the infamous plant as the self prescribed medication of choice for bleary eyed undergraduates or underachieving slackers. Yet, for all its unfortunate reputation, the plant has numerous proven health benefits. Particularly CBD oil, which has numerous health benefits without the psychoactive “high” that many associate with the plant:

What is CBD oil?

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is extracted from industrial hemp plants, which are bred to produce a high yield of cannabidiol without producing concentrations of THC that will produce a high. It has a few minor side effects including dry mouth, low blood pressure, drowsiness, and lightheadedness, yet boasts a number of practical medicinal uses.

CBD products are also something that can be purchased in store or online. Lots of websites boast a plethora of different products as well as additional information for you to brush up on. Your local health food store or Royal CBD are both great places to start.

For pain:

Thousands of studies have proven that CBD oil has anti inflammatory properties that are very effective in combating muscular or joint pain and arthritis. It has also proven to be effective in the combating of more serious physical ailments including cancer pain, epilepsy, pain from multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory bowel and Crohn’s disease. Furthermore it can even prevent the spreading of cancer and slow the onset of Alzheimer’s.

There are also products like terpenes that can work effectively with CBD to reduce inflammation and boast a number of other benefits. You can see what Remedy Review says about pain minimizing products like terpenes and make your own decision.

For mental health:

Many associate cannabis based products with memory loss, erratic behavior, and other mental health problems. This has been exacerbated by the widespread use of spice; a synthetic drug designed to replicate the psychoactive effects of cannabis use but with none of the health benefits of the plant. The truth, however, is that CBD oil is effective in combating a range of mental health issues including anxiety, insomnia, addiction, schizophrenia, poor appetite, chronic nightmares, and even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

For you and your pets:

Many people around the world are embracing the health benefits of CBD oil not only for themselves but for their children and even their furry friends, too. A lot of the same issues that CBD oil helps to combat in humans can also be aided in pets. CBD use for dogs via oil infused treats helps to combat a range of doggy disorders. Everything from arthritis to aggression and even cancer pain can be treated with CBD oil.

Despite this innocent plant’s widespread use as a recreational drug, hopefully this post will alert you to the beneficial and completely legal uses of CBD oil as a safe and scientifically proven treatment if you’re still TBD about CBD.

Featured Image By: Pixabay

15 responses »

  1. Pingback: How Should You Deal With Your Anxiety Problems? | lifewithlilred

  2. Pingback: Are You TBD About CBD Oil? — lifewithlilred – Herbal and spiritual healing

  3. Pingback: #CBDoil – lauravent69

  4. Thanks so much for posting this. CBD is such an amazing healer and I feel there’s not enough information out there about it! It’s helped me greatly. If you or anyone else is interested in purchasing a really great CBD product free of GMO’s and pesticides, visit my affiliate link: and use my discount code MOONBEAM at the payment portion at check out for 10%. Happy healing <3.

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  5. Pingback: Are You TBD About CBD Oil? — lifewithlilred – CBD POWER

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