Monday Update: ASOS Obsessed

Monday Update: ASOS Obsessed

Hi everyone and happy Monday! I hope that all of you had a fantastic weekend. While I peruse all of the wonderful fashion blogs out there, I always see ASOS mentioned, but have never taken the plunge to going on their website. All of the clothes in the haul posts that I have seen look gorgeous, BUT I truly don’t need another store to shop at…Said no girl ever.

During a blah night in last week, I decided that I needed to see pretty things, and browsed through some of my preferred shopping headquarter’s websites. And, just for the HECK of it, I decided to check out ASOS, too.


Guys….guyyyyyyys. Why did no one tell me that that website is amazing?! I mean, seriously, thank you because ballin on a budget. BUT DAMNIT, I feel so ashamed of myself. As an avid lover of all things British fashion, you would think that I would have been all over this site a long time ago, but sadly:


Sweet Jesus! That site is the bomb. Pages and pages and pages and pages AND PAGES of such fantastic, edgy, sleek, chic, cool, clothing and accessories AND SHOES and I just can’t even. If I didn’t have a single ounce of self control, I could probably spend all night clicking through each page and ogling over the seemingly never ending supply of clothes that I want.


You have no idea how badly I want to buy all the things right now, but I am showing restraint like a good girl who just burned a hole in her pocket with my holiday shopping haul. But, but, but – I can always consider a little shopping as an early Christmas gift to myself, right? #savemefrommyself #PLEASE

My questions for ASOS fans are as follows, BECAUSE I HAVE A FEW:

  1. How in Sam Hill do you pick what you’re going to purchase when there are So. Many. Options?
  2. What is your technique for shopping on a website with a million items to choose from when you want to look at all of it?
  3. What are your favorite ASOS pieces on their website right now? I want links, people!!!

I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Featured Image By: All Student Deals

20 responses »

  1. Asos is possibly the best website ever…
    I add things to my saved items, then once a month I choose one item to purchase, that way I don’t go mad and order everything! Also their sales are great!! xx

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Start by picking an item such as shoes, or pants, and drill down – what type of shoes, what type of pants, and search for those and only those. Then follow the advise of Nancipom! Always shop the sales!


  3. Girl you are not alone and now I have to get on the ASOS bandwagon…Thank you…I think ;p
    I could be completely wrong (as I have never checked it out) but I think it is similar to Lulus which if you haven’t checked THAT website out, you are very welcome! ❤


  4. ASOS is AMAZING! I do however struggle finding the right size in the things I want so I typically end up ordering 2-3 of the same thing and sending the stuff that doesn’t fit back! It’s kind of a hassle, but it’s worth it.


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