Two Year Blogiversary

Two Year Blogiversary

Hi everyone and happy Hump Day!! As you might have guessed judging by the title of this post, IT’S MY TWO YEAR BLOGIVERSARY! That’s right, lifewithlilred has been a thing for two years as of today and I am just pleased as PUNCH! Thank you so much to all of my readers, followers, commenters, and friends in the blogging world. Lifewithlilred would be nothing without all of you! Without the wonderful support that lifewithlilred has received, I doubt that I would have even made it to the two year mark so THANKS A LOT!!!!!


37 responses »

  1. Congratulations! Reading your posts is a great way to spend the spare moments of the day, as they charge with energy, sparkling humor and good mood! Thank you and keep going on like this! 🙂


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