
Hello everyone and happy Sunday! I hope all of you are having a wonderful weekend! As you guys know, our newest addition to the family was adopted on Valentine’s Day. He’s a little dog named Ollie and he’s seriously the cutest thing on the planet. Every day my family learns something new about Ollie and it has been recently discovered that he’s really afraid of storms.

The first major rainfall in Ohio happened a couple of weeks ago and Ollie was so scared that he retreated under my bed. We didn’t know this, though, and my dad ended up calling my boyfriend and I upstairs from the basement because he couldn’t find Ollie anywhere. We scoured all of the closets, cabinets, and corners and finally Kyle found him curled up under my bed. It was so scary not being able to find him for those few minutes so it was definitely a huge relief when Kyle discovered Ollie’s hiding place.

Now that we know of Ollie’s storm phobia we decided to break out the thunder coat that belonged to one of our past precious pooches. But the trick is, is that the thunder coat is five times too big for little Ollie! My mom and I managed to figure out a way to get the coat wrapped and secured on Ollie and he was then able to brave the next storm like the big boy that he is! Take a look:

^^^ Omg. SO cute.

I love how the thunder coat looks like a little cape on Ollie! He looks like a tiny super hero dog. The picture of me holding him was taken when it was raining and I couldn’t get over how adorable the way I was holding him was. He got himself like that on his own and it was like cradling a fury little toddler!

So there you have it, some cute new pictures of my brave wittle Ollie!! Has anyone welcomed a new pet into their home recently? How do you help comfort a pup that is afraid of storms? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

18 responses »

  1. I’m from Michigan. What’s up with this weather? Ollie is so cute. I’ve never had a dog scared of the weather before. My in laws dog is scared of fireworks and they have to give her a sedative. I feel so bad for her around the 4th.


  2. My older dog Lily is the bravest girl with everything else BUT storms. She also hides and I make sure to stay near here and comfort and try to relax her. We bought a thunder shirt for our younger dog just because she is generally anxious and we didn’t really see a difference with her from it….but I’m glad little Ollie did- he’s so cute, happy for your new addition to your family 🙂


    • Thank you so much! And yeah, the thunder coat either works or it doesn’t. I’m so glad it worked on Ollie though because I don’t think my heart could handle not being able to find him again lol those few minutes were torture. When that happened he still didn’t know is name so trying to call for him didn’t even help:(


  3. I used to have a dog and whenever she was scared of thunder we put on jazz music and it would calm her down, amazing to see! Now I have a cat, and he doesn’t really care about any type of weather. He’s too laid-back for that 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey Red…Ollie is adorable. We adopted Cody about 3 years ago. He’s not too afraid of storms cause we don’t get many here in AZ so thank goodness for that! Thanks for sharing the pics he’s too cute!

    BTW did you receive your samples and brochure in the mail?


  5. Pingback: Kids And Pets: Teaching Your Children Responsibility The Adorable Way | lifewithlilred

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